Live Online Ki(Qi) Training Center
For the past 25 years, Ja Song Won and Ju Young have been providing Holistic and Integrative Health Training based on the Yin-Yang Five Elements philosophy, as well as Individual Customized Self Healing Training to those who want to find the direction of their lives.
'Difficulty concentrating with an unbalanced body. Making hasty decisions in a low energy state can lead to rashness. Wrong habits can ruin your day to day life. Balance of the body, circulation of energy, deep immersion, meeting with me… River Flow Holistic will solve it.
At River Flow Holistic, we discover the depths of time. We will find you and the lost energy of life. I'm looking for people who want to be aware of what to do and where to go. We are all profound enough beings to find out and overcome life's problems... As we have been doing for 25 years since 1997, we will continue to go live with you every day.
This is the promise of River Flow Holistic.'